Here Let me Help You by Introduce You to PHP

Ever wondered about how a web page which is mostly a collection of codes, letters and numbers forming to create something unique and special for the whole world to see created so effortlessly and with such speed that is almost surprising? The answer to that question is web development tools such as PHP, Microsoft ASL etc. want to create your own web page which is unique and special for you? Here let me help you by introduce you to PHP
php projects

Who is PHP? What is PHP? And why is PHP?

PHP is a server side scripting language which primarily functions as a web development tool and has is also a sidekick of being a really good general purpose programming language. Developed in 1994 by Zend technologies and designed by Rasmus Lerdorf it used to stand for Personal home page then in 1995 was given the name PHP tools and then finally in 1997 became a household name in web development with PHP: Hypertext pre-processor

Not only is it free and easy to use for a beginner but it has the capability and complexity to even power Facebook YouTube etc.

To show you how simple it is to create a webpage I want you to show you how quick and easy it looks with the help of this example below

<!DOCTYPE html>




echo "My first PHP line!";





“My first php line!” on a different and whole new webpage and the best part is that it’s done in a couple of seconds just like that

Is the PHP opening tag
Is the closing tag

You may check another website where you can check Php Tutorial. visit this page

Echo is the instruction which tells PHP to put “My first PHP script” in the html
The best part of PHP is that you can use it for many things such as

  • PHP can get the history of your website in the form of cookies, visitors etc.
  • PHP can generate dynamic page content
  • PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
  • PHP can collect form data
  • PHP can add, delete, and modify data in your database
  • PHP can be used to control user-access
  • PHP can encrypt data


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