Laravel Eloquent Tutorial with Examples

Laravel Eloquent Tutorial

Laravel in this world of languages is known to be an open-source PHP web framework that is basically free and was created by the Taylor Otwell in order for the web development applications. Eloquent ORM (object-relational mapping) is basically an advanced method of PHP implementation of the active record pattern that is known to provide the time internal methods for enforcing constraints on the relationships between the database objects at the same time. Query builder that has been available since the launch of the Laravel 3 that generally delivers a more direct database access that is generally alternative to the Eloquent ORM. 

Let’s Understand the Laravel Eloquent

The PHP Laravel framework is basically packaged with the Eloquent Object Relational Mapper (ORM) that is known to deliver an extremely easy method that is used to communicate with a database. As we know that the developers generally need to create complex websites and other applications every now and then and hence; the programmers generally prefers a hassle-free and shorter development time. Laravel has come up with a solution that aims at helping in making the development faster and delivers an adequate solution to most of the problems that are encountered on a frequent basis. The varying business requirements are often addressed with the faster development, as well as well-organized, reusable, maintainable and scalable code. This framework generally works with custom the web applications because of the fact that it can cater to multiple databases and perform the  most common database operations.

How Does the Eloquent Works?

Developers and programmers can generally work in the Laravel Eloquent with multiple databases in a very efficient way just by using an Active Method implementation. This is basically an architectural pattern where the model t that has been created in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure generally corresponds to a table that is available in the database. The advantage is basically for the models to execute the common database operations without the use of coding lengthy SQL queries in this. The Models generally permits the data querying in the developer’s tables, as well as while inserting the new records into the tables. The basic process that is generally used in synchronizing the multiple databases is basically running on different systems that have been simplified. In this case, there is no need to write the SQL queries at all. The only thing that a developer got to do is to define the database tables and the relations between them after all this is done then the Eloquent comes in to the picture and handles the rest of the job.

Let’s Understand the Laravel Setup

In order to fully appreciate the utility of the Laravel Eloquent ORM one has to understand the ecosystem of it and that is a must. Here are the steps depicted that will get you started:

To install the Laravel eloquent from
To create the migrations using Artisan console
To create the Eloquent models
To seed the database

The name of the command-line interface that is basically packaged with the Laravel is known as Artisan Console. A number of helpful commands that are to be used during the development of your application are generally provided by this. The powerful Symfony Console component is the one that drives it with full proficiency. In order to view a list of all the available Artisan commands, here is the list of command that should be used:

PHP Artisan List

All the commands in this list basically come with a very concise description of the arguments and options. This is generally displayed in a “help” screen. As depicted below, just precede the name of the command with “help”, in order to view a help screen:

PHP Artisan Help Migrate


The process that is generally used for managing the user’s database just by writing PHP rather than SQL is simply known as Migration. The migration generally delivers a way that is generally used for adding version control to the user’s database provided that the assumption is made that the user’s database is up and running. The user will need to setup Laravel eloquent migration, in order to get started with the migration. Now the user has to open the terminal and select the correct path and then the user can use the artisan in order to create that very migration table with the command that is depicted below:

PHP Artisan Migrate:install

To learn more about this topic, please learn our Laravel Tutorial at

Defining the Eloquent Models

After the migration of the user’s database is done then the next process is known as the seeding. Since seeding is basically inserting the records into the user’s database that is the reason that there is an important played by the Laravel Eloquent in this process. Hence, the user will need to create the models just before the user can seed the database. Each of the database table generally has a corresponding model that is basically used in order to interact with that exact table. Models in larval generally permits the user to query for the data in the user’s tables and to insert new records into the table as well.


There is a lot of confusion with the seeders but taking aside the rumors, this is simply a class that is used to populate the user’s database. The most positive thing about the seeders is that they can be executed just by the use of a simple command that is basically used to refresh the user’s database. Seeding generally helps in eradicating the unreadable names like “hjkahdkajshfkjsd” that can generally lead to overlooking some of the bugs.

The basic idea that runs behind the seeders is to generally help the problem of “dirty data” where one can develop a simple or even a powerful seeder. In overall the seeders are generally known as a special set of the classes that generally allows the user to populate our database over and over with the exact same data.

To learn more about this topic, please learn our Laravel Tutorial at our main website.


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