HTML It is a Frequent myth in Some programmer circles that great code is self documenting

HTML It is a Frequent myth in Some programmer circles that great code is self-documenting. Heck, I have seen tens of thousands of lines of bad code and HTML with no single line of opinions. This myth was used as a justification for not documenting code and HTML a lot of occasions it actually makes me ill.

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That is why I Wish to Just take this chance to have a fantastic look at this particular myth. But, let me present the HTML comment tag, then you can not say you do not understand what it looks like what it will.

It is really easy And simple to use a label. Much more to the point, the information which you supply in between the beginning and end comment tag may help save the next developer who's considering your HTML a whole lot of time!

Caution: Great code is self-documenting and doesn't Need comments or alternative sources of instruction.

Demystifying the fantasy: to Some Degree, It's true that code is self-explanatory. The premise is that in case you write great, tasteful HTML code it'll be simple to find out what you are doing.

Back after the first Nowadays you'll be able to read the code of their most frequent programming languages fairly much as though it was plain English. This really goes for HTML code too. Even though you can not read it as though it was a book it is rather simple to identify exactly what every HTML tag does.

Each line you browse Tells you precisely what it will and that's directed the laid back (idle ) programmers one of us to conclude that there's not any need to actively record code.

Debunking the Myth: I've yet to find an HTML source code document on the internet that is significantly less than 100 lines. In reality, the Google main page, that is essentially a text area and two buttons, is over 200 lines if you examine the source code.

With that several lines, you need to be able to get a Fantastic Summary of the HTML code as quickly as possible humanly possible!

It's true that you can see what every line of HTML does, however, opinions are there to help you immediately Know exactly what the whole HTML page will!


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